Non-Destructive Examinations for Aircraft and Aviation
Cougar NDE Ltd.
Cougar NDE Ltd. offers several Non-Destructive Examinations for our Clients.
We offer our clients the following inspections:
Eddy Current Examination (ET)
Ultrasonic Examination (UT)
Bond Testing
Liquid Penetrant Examination (LPI)
Magnetic Particle Examination (MT)
X-ray Radiography (RT)
Transport Canada CAR Standard 571 Appendix K NDE Training
Our CGSB Level II technicians have taken certified audit courses and are available for any of the below specialized services.
Training program implementation
Quality Control / Assurance Assistance
Internal Auditing
Cougar NDE Ltd. is currently certified and / or registered with:
Transport Canada Approved Aircraft Maintenance Organization AMO# 78-99 for all NDE ratings
Government of Canada Controlled Goods Directorate: This certification permits the company to provide NDE Services on military related equipment and on their facilities
Canadian Council for Aviation and Aerospace (CCAA)
Health Canada Safety Code 34 (Certified Radiation Protection and Safety for Industrial X-Ray Equipment)
Approved for Continental Crankshaft Ultrasonic Inspection
Honeywell Aerospace certified for T53 Combustor Housing Ultrasonic Inspections
Bell Helicopters 212 Main Rotor Grip Ultrasonic Inspection
Cessna Authorized Independent NDI Facility